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Bible Study

Pastor Phil's current Bible study, "The Heroes Of The Bible", is being held each WEDNESDAY at 6:30 p.m. This study focuses on those who led the way to Jesus. You can attend in person at the church or online in our Bible Study group. If you are not part of the group but would like to be, let us know.

**NOTE** There will be NO Bible Study on WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 4th. We will resume on September 11th.

Pastor Phil's recent Bible study on discovering our identity in Christ has concluded, but the videos are available on our church YouTube channel. The study is partially based on the book "Living Fearless" by Jamie Winship, but other sources will also be used. 

Discovering Our Identity In Christ


Identity Bible Study - Night 1

Identity Bible Study - Night 2

Identity Bible Study - Night 3

Identity Bible Study - Night 4

Identity Bible Study - Night 5

Identity Bible Study - Night 6

Read Through the Bible in One Year


In September of 2023, members of our church along with others who wanted to take on the challenge, began a journey to read through the Bible on one year. Our goal has been accomplished, and we invite you to take the challenge too! The monthly lists of the Scriptures to read each day are posted below for download, and you can begin with the September schedule any time - not just in September! - and read through the entire Bible at your own pace or challenge yourself to go through the year by following the schedule. It's a long journey, but it's worth every page!​​

If you would like to find a way to "kick start" your Bible reading, Reading Challenge Plans can be found below for print or download.

Reading Challenge Plan - The book of John

Reading Challenge Plan - The letters of Paul

Reading Challenge Plan - A Brief Walk Through the Bible

For more information about any current or upcoming studies, or if you have a suggestion for a future study, please contact Pastor Phil.

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